Our Mission

The Trinity University Student Ambassadors (TUSA) serve as representatives of the Trinity student body to Trinity alumni, donors, and the University community. During their time as Student Ambassadors students develop skills in teamwork, leadership, social relations, and event management. Working closely with the Alumni Relations and Development offices, the Ambassadors aim to boost student engagement by establishing and maintaining memorable traditions, raise campus awareness about the importance of giving, and link current and past Trinity students in order to share experiences, open opportunities, and promote a lifetime commitment to philanthropy. 

Give Back


Group of student ambassadors at an alumni event
#TigerPride  #StudentAmbassadors


Member Expectations Include:


  • Attend scheduled weekly meetings and participate in generating ideas 
  • Accumulate at least 12 hours of event participation hours each semester 
  • Attend semester retreats 
  • Actively participate in the coordination and execution of events 
  • Display professionalism and pride in Trinity as a member of the Student Ambassadors and while interacting with prospective and current students, visitors, faculty, staff, and alumni. 
  • Be enthusiastic about Trinity and interact openly with others 
  • Act as stewards of the Trinity University mission and philanthropic efforts

Perks of Membership


  • Leadership and professional development 
  • Exclusive opportunities to meet and interact with alumni and distinguished guests
  • Event planning experience
  • Representing your peers to members of the Trinity community
  • Opportunity to serve as representatives of the student community to Alumni, University administration, and prospective and current students
For more information contact our Executive Team:


Become an Ambassador

Interested in becoming a Student Ambassador?  Students are welcome to apply during recruitment in the spring semester. During that time applicants must submit a completed application, be in good academic standing, have a 2.5 cumulative GPA, and attend an interview with members of our executive team. 

Apply Now

What We Do

Student Ambassadors partner with Alumni Relations and Development to make a variety of events a success like the President’s Dinner, Making Connections, Policy Maker Breakfast, the Distinguished Lecture Series and Alumni Weekend. We also program and host our own events, like Future Alumni Week, Tuition Stop Day, Ring Ceremony, and more. 

All our programming efforts fall into four main pillars:


Giving back looks different for us all. TUSA aims to educate students about the importance of giving to and through Trinity University. Though philanthropic based events like Tuition Stop Day we encourage students to understand the value of supporting Trinity.


Traditions help create lasting memories at Trinity and TUSA is dedicated to not only contribute and uphold those traditions, but create new ones that are reflective of the student body. TUSA members develop and honor traditions that reinforce the Trinity values of discovery, excellence, impact, the individual, and our collective community.


Now, more than ever TUSA is committed to model to the rest of the student body what it means to take charge of our education and the network we form while at Trinity. Through virtual and in-person events, TUSA members engage with the student community, alumni, parents and friends to create a lasting and vibrant Tiger network.


Service is paramount to paying it forward. Whether students can contribute time, resources, or wisdom service to the community and to each other is a prominent and large part of being a student ambassador.


Tag hung on bench advertising thank a giver week event

Future Alumni Week

Each November, Student Ambassadors hold Thank A Giver (T.A.G.) Week to educate their fellow students about how alumni, parent, and friend donor help make a difference at Trinity. During T.A.G. Week, tags are hung all over campus indicating that a donor helped make these things possible with their gift to Trinity. 

Two students at the Student Ambassador pumpkin event

The Great Pumpkin Party

The annual Great Pumpkin Party event hosted by Trinity University Student Ambassadors invites students to decorate pumpkins while making connections with Trinity alumni!

Alumni and students during the sophomore ice cream social

Sophomore Ice Cream Social

The Sophomore Ice Cream social hosted by the Trinity University Student Ambassadors invites sophomores to meet alumni in a casual atmosphere and celebrate the halfway mark at Trinity University.

a large gathering of alumni party under papel picado on Oakmont Court in the evening
Alumni Weekend

Each October, close to a thousand Trinity alumni return to campus for a weekend to catch up with their classmates and Trinity. The Ambassadors have the opportunity to visit with alumni at all of the reunions and other events that take place during the weekend.

Tyrone Hayes close up photo in a science lab

The Distinguished Lecture Series

Through Trinity’s Distinguished Lecture Series, students and the San Antonio community have the opportunity to attend free lectures by influential individuals of diverse backgrounds and opinions. 

three women students sign bricks inside Murchison Tower

Senior Week

After four years as Trinity students, our seniors love to kick back, relax, and enjoy their final weeks in style. The Ambassadors host several events for them, including the Casino Tower Party and the Last Great Reception.

two students show off their class rings next to miller fountain

Ring Ceremony

The Trinity Class Ring captures the proud achievement of graduating from Trinity and being linked forever to our great institution. The Ring Ceremony is held in the Chapel during Spring Family Weekend. This is a memorable event at which your family and friends can witness you receiving your ring. Your ring will sleep in the Tower the night before the ceremony.

policy maker logo and trinity logo with headshots of four guests

Policy Maker Breakfast

The Policy Maker Breakfast program is a series of breakfast seminars available to Trinity’s Business Affiliate and University communities. The series hosts eminent policy makers from the fields of journalism, politics, and business. Past speakers include Christiane Amanpour, Scott McClellan, Tom Ridge, and former Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo.


four Trinity donors stand in front of a logo background

The President's Dinner

At the annual President’s Dinner, members help represent the current Trinity student body to supporters of the University.